The "Growing" Bowl of Oatmeal. Before it actually grew. |
Initiating panic mode.
Panic mode initiated.
I think one thing that pushed me past the latest plateau is really holding myself accountable for EVERYTHING I shove into my face. One of the culprits I continued to believe contributed (but took me long enough to do something about it, eh?) was the Growing Bowl of Oatmeal. I initially remained true to the recipe, but was lured by the soothing sounds of "Fruits are Free! FREE!"
It was innocent enough. A little more than half an apple. Okay, maybe the full apple. Maybe some banana for creaminess. Why just half a banana when you could have a whole flipping banana. More berries. Berries! BERRIES, I TELL YOU, BUAHAHAHAHA!
... and so on.
So, it took maybe about 4 or 5 goes of the "10 pounds to go! 5 pounds to go! 10 pounds to go!"-yo-yo when I finally said, "Okay, no more oatmeal."
And this lasted 20 seconds.
No, I did not immediately have a bowl of oatmeal. But I recalled that depriving oneself when trying to lose weight can really backfire on you. At least, it did for me.
So I said, "B'klyn<3, do not eliminate oatmeal. Write it down."
So I sat with the Weight Watcher's online recipe builder and placed in all of the components of my glorious over-sized oatmeal bowl.
All I will say on this matter is, "Gasp!"
When I decided that while it was (indeed) glorious, it was not glorious enough to allow "Gasp!"
So I rebuilt it in the system. I removed the extraneous fruits that made it into the cooked bowl. I even took out the "growing" portion (which was adding double liquid to increase the volume) since I figured maybe it was causing my stomach to stretch out (because I was starting to feel frequently uncomfortable eating it). I figured, it would not be so glorious.
Turns out... it was just as glorious. Just as filling, without the uncomfortableness at the end. And at the end of the day, not something I needed to eat every single day.
So finally, 30+ years of having the same breakfast every morning for 3 month stretches has been broken.
Was this the key to getting under 2 pounds to goal? Hell if I know. I'd like to think so at least.
However, I panic because I'm not yet at the point where I can do a victory lap. Hell, when I hit goal, I still can't do a victory lap. There will still be stuff to do!
Taking it easy, and doing what I have been doing all along. Eating well, working out, and trying new things. This week's meeting was about tracking, so I decided (based on what another member at the meeting said she tracked) that I would make and track a goal every day.
I decided my goal for today was to take a picture of everything I eat. EVERYTHING. Even BLTs*, anything that goes down the gullet gets snapped. It's amazing how much the thought of having to take a picture of it has prevented me from rummaging in the fridge for anything ever.
I may hang on to that method for now. I leave you for now, but thank you very much for your continued support and encouragement. I may make goal yet!
*Bites, Licks, Tastes. No, not bacon.
Will you send me your tweeked recipe? Sounds good (and smells yummy in the morning!)