- The pork was flavorful, juicy and delicious! I did mod this by using twice the smoky paprika that was called for because... well, I'd never had smoky paprika before, and really never found paprika to be in any way, shape or form flavorful, but this stuff... oh! Such wonderful aroma. Still subtle (at least to my palette at this point), and simply gorgeous. The other modification was using our Cuisinart Griddler (instead of a griddle pan which we so haven't owned in many a year). The flavor was gorgeous and the device cooked the meat to perfection.
- The Broccolini was amazing. I'd never had Broccolini before... it's shaped sort of like asparagus, and the flavor is like broccoli, but milder (to me). A hint of sweet (very, very subtle). This was a quick cook and with the lemon... heaven. I will be having more of this stuff in the future, I'd be curious to see what I can do with it...
- The potatoes were lazy, yes! However, a calorie bargain at 80 a serving, the serving was plenty, and... come on people, it tasted like garlic potatoes!!! For an instant, it was pretty damn tasty... and tasting of garlic. I'm not hard to please in this respect!
I poked my head out and saw that my neighborhood did not look icy at all on the ground (though as daylight started to reveal, very icy in the tree area). I'd already spent the last 3 days not running, and I didn't feel like making it a 4th day. Since there was... weather, I figured I'd limit my run to within my neighborhood and the one across the street, limiting my actual street running, as folks with cars cannot deal with cars, weather and crazy runners.
(Not that I run like crazy... I just happen to be crazy and run.)
So off I go, and as I'd surmised, my neighborhood was not icy. Then I hit the neighboring neighborhood and... now get this, I'm still in my warm up walk, 4 minutes of the 5 I do... I feel tiny, tiny slips of the feet. I get out of my normal tune-out-of-life-to-get-through-this-cold-run haze to see that there is ice in the neighborhood next door. Does that even make sense?
I see a big patch of the old slippery stuff further down the block and decide I'll get down to the pavement to circumvent it. The thought was occurring to me that perhaps I shouldn't have gone out to run when it happened. Quite ungracefully, quite inelegantly, I hurtle off of the sidewalk.
I landed heavily on the palm of my right hand and manage to clip my right thigh painfully on the sidewalk as I fell. I was able to pop up, and then hobbled back home (wasn't very far as I was only just finishing the warm up walk). No broken bones, and I was able to verify at home that there were no abrasions. Leg looked like it might bruise up nicely (it's doing a great job so far!) So... like a crazy person, I pop on Jillian Michaels, have her beat me up a bit and later slosh off to work.
The palm of my hand still kind of feels on fire, though there are no visible abrasions (and only a small bit of redness). Throughout the day, the thigh has hurt more and more... so now I worry about blood clots, bruising, not being able to run for several days, slipping backward in my 10K training... and many other dark thoughts. Hopefully I can salvage some work, and soon, considering the 1st weekend of April already feels like it's right around the corner. January's already nearly done.
So no knitting today at all. Again. Early day tomorrow, with weigh in. In what is also good news (for me) no cooking for the next two nights! Tomorrow is sushi and Thursday is Buffalo Wild Wings... So wish me luck with the weigh in and then not gaining a bunch of weight before next week's!
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