Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Goodbye November...

A few odds and/or sods:

I got a prize for showing up!
The workout log kind of fell apart, but not the actual working out.  I have had 2 days of rest over the past 4 weeks, but have otherwise devoted at least a solid half-hour to exercise every day.  I plan to stick to this, though not blog endlessly about it.  You're welcome.

My First Vegan Thanksgiving was a huge success!  Everything was gorgeous and beautiful.  I wasn't so worried about me because I happen to love very much vegan food and food prepared by mine own hand, but I was worried for the family who also then happened to have their own first vegan Thanksgiving.  Fortunately, the evening surrounded by caring and loving family and the blessings that we have all had the past year did come accompanied with good food.  And the best vegan pumpkin cheesecake of all time ever.  Prepared by The Husband's own hand.  After all, he is good at providing cheese.
A filled table is a happy one.  I love all of these people.

Self talk in all forms can be both helpful and harmful.  I joked about either cutting myself or burning myself over the holiday.  I laughed at my last weigh in that I'd gain 3 pounds over the holiday.  I tittered that there was no experience yet that would get me off the pizza.  In their own odd ways, all of these things came to pass.

The moral is to joke about those millions of dollars you bet will never come your way.

December goal, more this and less stitches.
So goodbye November.  I shall remember you mostly fondly.  Except for the upset stomach and the stitches and trying to lose that November holiday weight to make room for the December holiday weight.  I will remember sticking to my goals as I prepare to make new ones for December (become a better blogger maybe, or learn how to set a place setting, possibly proper knife usage!), enjoying some good times with my family and my The Husband, the Thank You card from my sister and the call from my mom to say she was proud of me:  for the Weight Watchers, for the Veganist lifestyle and for being me.

For all the bad and the three stitches I like to think of as 87... I am truly blessed.  And there are blessings yet to come.

I also hope more cheesecake.

No, I said cheesecake.  Not cheese.
Granted.  This is vegan cheese.

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