So, what does a B'klynHeart following a plant based diet eat and/or serve on Thanksgiving?
I'd like to share with you the story of a girl who gained back 176 pounds in a single day*...
Gardein Chicken Fillets (the alternative not-meat)
Thanksgiving Gravy a'la Happy Herbivore
The Husband's Stuffing 2.0 (The Vegan Version)
Perfect Brussels Sprouts a'la V. K. Rees Photography, with added Fuji Apple, Kabocha Squash and Cranberries
Five Cheese Baked Macaroni and Cheese a 'la Hearty Vegan Meals for Monster Appetites
Yukon Gold And Sweet Potatoes a'la The Vegan Table
Looking back over these, I find the following B'klynHeart trends:
- I make too much food.
- I make entirely too much food.
- Considering my stomach and my eye have drastically changed from 3 years ago (A pound of elbow macaroni?! A pound?!?! Who am I feeding, Deleware?), I make entirely too much food.
A B'klynHeart first? To add to yesterday's questions, I am remarkably ahead of the game.
For this... I am incredibly grateful.
To all of you, please enjoy this day with your family and friends. Be thankful for the wonderful blessings in your life. Snuggle close with your loved ones and enjoy their company... and tell them that you love them and enjoy their company!
Love from B'klynHeart and The Husband |
Have a wonderful and blessed day. And Thank You.
* We all know this to be a lie, and this meal will produce 50 pounds at most. The full 176 comes about when I go back to Brooklyn and visit all the vegan pizza spots in one day.
** Not-Turkey drama! The original-original plan was to go with Gardein Stuffed Turk'y, but then I couldn't find them (found them much later and have since purchased one for us to sample). The next plan was Tofurky which was all well and fine... but we did wait and then could not find that. So I briefly paniced before I forgot that I was B'klynHeart, so I came up with a plan... I was going to make a Seitanic roast... only Seitan could save me now! So I'll make this Ellen's chef's roast! But then I'll make it like Isa's PPK roast! But with The Husband's stuffing! And cranberries!...
... and then I remembered again that I was very much a B'klynHeart, and to save myself from the ensuing crazy purchased a Field Roast, which I'm told by The Washington Post is quite tasty.
There will be Tofurky and Crazy B'klynHeart/The Husband Co-Production Seitanic Roast in the not-too-distant future however...
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