Saturday, December 31, 2011

On Resolutions, Evolutions and Revolutions: Goodbye 2011!

Hey, that's my mantra!

B'klyn<3, 2003.  I'd be heavier still by 2009.
Resolutions - A good place to start, since it is that time of year.  While I can't say I invented it, I know for many years now I haven't waited for the New Year to resolve anything, because I often found those type of resolutions do not work.  Not for me.  For me, resolving to do something on January 1st meant that a) I could procrastinate and even do the exact opposite of said thing up to the point of the New Year and b) If I even did try after January 1st, it'd often be dropped with a "Oh well, I tried."

True fact:  I resolved to join WeightWatchers 3 consecutive New Year's periods before I gave up  making resolutions entirely.  It may have been one of the prompting factors (I actually even coupled this with The Husband somehow taking charge and making us join together).  When I finally did resolve to join WeightWatchers, it was a normal day in June.  While mostly giving up on me, there was a bit that finally decided enough was enough: no waiting for January 1, The Husband, or a magical a-ha moment.  So it was random day in June 2009 that I joined.

My advice to the interwebs is this:  if you have a desire to make a change to yourself, in the world, don't wait.  You'll see it everywhere and you'll see it here as well:  Every day, every hour and every minute is an opportunity to do those things you want to do.  Don't let excuses or fear get in your way.  I know this is not an easy thing to do, by far easier to say than to do.  Trust me, as to this day it is something I work on:  As with WeightWatchers, there are other areas of my life I still avoid out of unrealistic fears.  Hyping up the January 1st can often lead to disappointment, so if you see a change you want to make, don't wait.

Well, of course, if it happens to be 01/01 when you find your opportunity, certainly go for it! :)

Evolutions - People have likely thought it, and some have even said it to me;  gee, B'klyn<3, you've changed.

This, I cannot deny.

Today I find myself a person who looks in the mirror (the literal one as well as the spiritual one) and sometimes doesn't recognize myself.  Dropping all of the weight over the course of two years has changed many aspects of my being, and likely more than even I anticipated.  Indeed, not just the weight, but simply growing up has changed me.  Just as a kid where I never used to eat anything that wasn't pizza or somehow pizza related so long as it was served with pizza, when I got older (around university age) I started expanding my universe.  I had to:  I wasn't in Brooklyn anymore and would likely starve since I didn't feel any other place really had pizza so much as they had bread with sauce and cheese on top.  I also figured that I was at an age where I should likely eat my vegetables.

Little did I know that the future held a world where I would really be eating my vegetables.  Little less did I know that Congress would gently say, "Yes, B'klyn<3; You were eating your vegetables all along."

So I find myself evolving into... well, I don't know what.  In many ways, I'm still learning about me, and finding out what it is I truly want out of life.  It only took me 30 years or so, and likely will take longer still.  Some of my interests are the same, but some have waned and new ones have arisen.  What I'm trying to do is learn me, find out what it is I enjoy, and try to maximize on that.  I do have things in mind for where I want to be in a few years, so I'm dusting of Ye Olde SMART goals and plotting out how to get there (ah, resolutions in the evolutions eh?)

Like my sweater, I'll ever be the WIP.  I'm not sure I'll ever be done, but I'll have fun trying!

Seriously, and seriously I mean this, I'm talking about me... I'll finish that doggone sweater!  I'll SMART it if I have to!

Revolutions - Revolutions are in progress!  They include two things, helpfully listed below!
B'klyn<3 2011.  I'll never look cool running,
nor standing still.

real difference in scale activity.  The Husband brings it out once a week, I weigh, and then I live my life how I see fit.  Maybe that means a little more activity and a little less vegan candy, or maybe it doesn't.  It's time to stop using that number to be the definition and let my body be the definition.  I can feel it if I go to far, just as I can feel it when I'm doing right by it.  The number was the noise that prevented me from hearing that voice or feeling that waist in my jeans, and not my body.  Time for a new approach.  I still track my foods and activity.  I still go to meetings.  I think they are still very important to me; but as I've said before, all just indicators, and not the thing itself.  It feels good to finally live that.

A new blog site!  I've hinted at the past, and come 2012 I'll be posting to a new site:  It's partially up with old posts, and will be updated over the course of [don't forget to put the amount of time here, but yes, of course you will won't you, as you haven't resolved to when this will happen yet, did you? *winky face*], and I'll be posting there.  I also have a Tumblr account where I mostly post my "food porn" and other things I find interesting and/or amusing.  No, I don't know how to be a social media darling.  Not really my intent; at the end of the day, I just mean to present me.  Not a suggestion, not a demand, but simply that which the curious may want to know.

And so, I bid a fond farewell to 2011.  I'll enjoy the final hours of the day cooking up some tasty vittles for myself, The Husband and my friends, running a race, working on goals for the future, and enjoying the heck out of life.  Most of those things I'd normally do anyway, and the last I will certainly do more often.  That I do resolve.

Take care, be safe, find your joy and love to you always!  -B'klyn<3

Monday, December 5, 2011

... Er, Hello December?

Ah, yes.  December.  When did you arrive?  And have already made yourself at home, yes?  Hmm.

Things seem darkest before the dawn...

We can venture to guess that my resolution was not to become a better blogger.  Unfortunately for me, my woes from slicing my palm open

One thing is for certain... I shall always run with bells on.

Granted, I do have a wonderful and varied list of excuses, but the predominate one was illness.  My stomach decided it would engage in a 72+ hour dance-a-long of Breakin' 2:  Electric Boogaloo.  Many of those hours spanned along the very weekend I had decided (wisely?  foolishly?  B'klyn<3erly?) to run two races in a row:  Frosty's 5K (part of Surf-n-Santa 10 Miler event) and Christmastown Dash 8K (to which all I can say is that I really wish I had this shirt to wear for the fools that Chick-fil-A are being... and my understanding is that this is not the first time).

I will never (ever) look cool while running.

In any case, running was accomplished and (once yet again) I am working on improving myself and improving my run.  This month's goals include:

1) Work on the running.  I have magazines, I go to events... but am I really doing all of the analysis I see other people and bloggers and magazine writers doing?  No?  Playing it by ear like a piano.  Considering how into metrics I am in when it comes to the silly number, perhaps my efforts are better spent on analyzing the number known as pace.

2) To exercise for at least 30 minutes every day, and I mean every day.  Minimum.  No excuses.  Not even being sick.  Been a fun goal so far, thank you B'klyn<3 of the past who set it!

I felt best this day.  Until I learned we had to run up the
coaster that's behind me.

3) To work on my I Hate Everything® attitude.  Which I had been... but need to do more.  Deeper and better.  A story about that to follow.

4) To lose the 4 pounds I gained during the past two weeks of Holiday Celebration, Palm Slashing Misery, Woe is Me-ism, Sickness (though most of those came right back out, so I don't think they count), and Out of Townessness (where I ate not a lot due to illness, but there were a couple of high-ticket items certainly).

Right about here is where I break into a
Jennifer Hudson WeightWatchers Commercial

Forever the work in progress is me.  And that's a fine thing.  I'd be bored otherwise.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Goodbye November...

A few odds and/or sods:

I got a prize for showing up!
The workout log kind of fell apart, but not the actual working out.  I have had 2 days of rest over the past 4 weeks, but have otherwise devoted at least a solid half-hour to exercise every day.  I plan to stick to this, though not blog endlessly about it.  You're welcome.

My First Vegan Thanksgiving was a huge success!  Everything was gorgeous and beautiful.  I wasn't so worried about me because I happen to love very much vegan food and food prepared by mine own hand, but I was worried for the family who also then happened to have their own first vegan Thanksgiving.  Fortunately, the evening surrounded by caring and loving family and the blessings that we have all had the past year did come accompanied with good food.  And the best vegan pumpkin cheesecake of all time ever.  Prepared by The Husband's own hand.  After all, he is good at providing cheese.
A filled table is a happy one.  I love all of these people.

Self talk in all forms can be both helpful and harmful.  I joked about either cutting myself or burning myself over the holiday.  I laughed at my last weigh in that I'd gain 3 pounds over the holiday.  I tittered that there was no experience yet that would get me off the pizza.  In their own odd ways, all of these things came to pass.

The moral is to joke about those millions of dollars you bet will never come your way.

December goal, more this and less stitches.
So goodbye November.  I shall remember you mostly fondly.  Except for the upset stomach and the stitches and trying to lose that November holiday weight to make room for the December holiday weight.  I will remember sticking to my goals as I prepare to make new ones for December (become a better blogger maybe, or learn how to set a place setting, possibly proper knife usage!), enjoying some good times with my family and my The Husband, the Thank You card from my sister and the call from my mom to say she was proud of me:  for the Weight Watchers, for the Veganist lifestyle and for being me.

For all the bad and the three stitches I like to think of as 87... I am truly blessed.  And there are blessings yet to come.

I also hope more cheesecake.

No, I said cheesecake.  Not cheese.
Granted.  This is vegan cheese.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Irony Can Be Pretty Ironic Sometimes

Pray for me.

Friends, family, foodies, bloggers, Brooklynites and the owners of Mario's and their ilk... pray for me.

I have true fear I have lost my taste for pizza.  For the first time.  Ever.

Stock footage from an earlier, happier time...
Off The Husband whisked me for an evening filled with Renaissance-style and heavily synthesized Christmas music (read: Mannheim Steamroller).  Don't judge.  It was the music of my childhood.

As we drove off for an evening that I knew would involve again The Bellytimber Tavern, knowing full well there were a few vegan options I'd want to try but would ultimately get the vegan pizza because I am me, I mused to him aloud, "You know how the only thing Atkins did for me was cure me of my bacon obsession?"

"Hmmmmmm?" he said in that lazy voice of his that simultaneously meant "Yes, dear, I know that of which you speak.", "What's this now?", "That guy in front of me is driving too slow." and "Wonder if I can finish this Final Fantasy game before the next one comes out."

"Well, it's too bad there isn't something like that for pizza," I joked.  "I've been following that plan my entire life and it hasn't worked yet!"

We shared some droll laughter and continued on my way.

Oh, stupid girl.  Stupid, stupid girl.

The last time we were at the tavern, it was crowed and entirely too loud for The Husband.  This time around, it was just loud.

He got a Greek (non-vegan) pie and I got a custom pie with what had become my favorite toppings at Pizza Fusion before they went away: Spinach, Artichoke and Garlic.

It was during Mannheim Steamroller during what may have been the creepiest video I've ever seen at a concern or otherwise that was vaguely related to Christmas when it happened.

I became distinctly aware of the exact size, shape and length of my lower intestine.  And it was doing the Batusi.

It became a distinctly uncomfortable Mannheim Steamroller experience.  And not for the creepy videos.

The end could not come fast enough, and to this morning I'm still feeling the ill effects of... well, I don't know what or why this was brought on.

All I know is that it has a very strong association with that pizza I ate.  So much that the thought of pizza (any pizza) fills me with a slight nausia and cold dread.

Be careful what you wish for, even in jest?

Oh, please pray for me.  Let this pass, let me feel better.

Let me not wind up hating pizza...

Thursday, November 24, 2011


So, what does a B'klynHeart following a plant based diet eat and/or serve on Thanksgiving?

I'd like to share with you the story of a girl who gained back 176 pounds in a single day*...

Gardein Chicken Fillets (the alternative not-meat)
Thanksgiving Gravy a'la Happy Herbivore
The Husband's Stuffing 2.0 (The Vegan Version)
Perfect Brussels Sprouta'la V. K. Rees Photography, with added Fuji Apple,  Kabocha Squash and Cranberries
Five Cheese Baked Macaroni and Cheese a 'la Hearty Vegan Meals for Monster Appetites
Yukon Gold And Sweet Potatoes a'la The Vegan Table

Looking back over these, I find the following B'klynHeart trends:

  • I make too much food.
  • I make entirely too much food.
  • Considering my stomach and my eye have drastically changed from 3 years ago (A pound of elbow macaroni?!  A pound?!?! Who am I feeding, Deleware?), I make entirely too much food.

A B'klynHeart first?  To add to yesterday's questions, I am remarkably ahead of the game.

For this... I am incredibly grateful.

To all of you, please enjoy this day with your family and friends.  Be thankful for the wonderful blessings in your life.  Snuggle close with your loved ones and enjoy their company... and tell them that you love them and enjoy their company!  

Love from B'klynHeart and The Husband

Have a wonderful and blessed day.  And Thank You.

* We all know this to be a lie, and this meal will produce 50 pounds at most.  The full 176 comes about when I go back to Brooklyn and visit all the vegan pizza spots in one day.

** Not-Turkey drama!  The original-original plan was to go with Gardein Stuffed Turk'y, but then I couldn't find them (found them much later and have since purchased one for us to sample).  The next plan was Tofurky which was all well and fine... but we did wait and then could not find that.  So I briefly paniced before I forgot that I was B'klynHeart, so I came up with a plan... I was going to make a Seitanic roast... only Seitan could save me now!  So I'll make this Ellen's chef's roast!  But then I'll make it like Isa's PPK roast!  But with The Husband's stuffing!  And cranberries!...

... and then I remembered again that I was very much a B'klynHeart, and to save myself from the ensuing crazy purchased a Field Roast, which I'm told by The Washington Post is quite tasty.

There will be Tofurky and Crazy B'klynHeart/The Husband Co-Production Seitanic Roast in the not-too-distant future however...

Monday, November 21, 2011


One first:  This would represent the most posts I have had in a month.  It may be due to my Work Out Log Challenge... but that will end soon, and the accountability has played a big part in my overall success I think.  Please bear with me; at least it hasn't been every day.

So I think the prevailing crazy-voice in my head is the one going "La-la-laaaa!" in a very loud voice in an effort to calm the growing panic over the following facts:

1) This will be the first Thanksgiving that I've hosted at my house.
2) This will be the first Thanksgiving that I've cooked the entire menu.
3) This will be the first Thanksgiving where I'm at my goal weight and a Weight Watchers Lifetime Member (read: I want to stay at said weight).
4) This will be my first vegan Thanksgiving.
5) This will be the first time I'm cooking vegan food for the entire family.

Engage panic mode.

*panic mode engaged*



/panic mode

Frankly, what I'm worried about most is that somehow I feel like I'm not worried enough about these things.  Is that a funny way to feel?  I think so.  Though... maybe not.  I'm in love with my own cooking, so I run forward thinking that everyone else will be too... a strange and undeserved streak of confidence.  I'm also kind of surprised and stoked that the family were really into this (I was sure it'd be just me, The Husband and FiL).  To be able to share a meal that is compassionate and healthful (haha, not all exactly healthy except from certain perspectives) with those that I love most in the world... well, it's a wonderful (if pressuring) opportunity.

Then again, part of their enthusiasm may have to do with the fact that they do not have to cook.

Really?  That's just fine with me.  You know I love to cook.  Though if I need diced carrots... I better have started 3 days ago.

New traditions will begin at my house in just a few days, and you know what?  I need to just not worry about it.  It'll be great, and they may like it, they may not... but the one tradition I intend to keep is the tradition of gathering with my family and being grateful.

1) I'm grateful that I can host Thanksgiving at my house this year.
2) I'm grateful that get to cook an entire menu of food (with assistance from the most wonderful The Husband in the world).
3) I'm grateful that I'm finally at a healthy weight for the first time in my life, and if I indulge a bit this Thanksgiving, I'm grateful that I know exactly how to get back to where I was (read: I'm grateful for Weight Watchers).
4) I'm grateful that the past year has shown me a better path for my life and a lifestyle I continue to grow into.
5) I'm grateful that I have a loving and open-minded/open-hearted family, and the opportunity once again to give folks more credit than I usually do.

The only worry I have is about the back-to-back races I have coming up in just two weeks than any of the things I've mentioned above!

... well, this is not true.  There is one thing Thanksgiving related that I do worry about.  A lot, given my recent trend.

Will the Thanksgiving ER visit be because a) I've sliced myself deeply, b) I've burned myself severely... or c) I've sliced myself deeply trying to put out the fire I've set myself on?*

* Feel free to answer.  I personally think C myself.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Work Out Log Challenge - Day 22

Going through Day 28... at least. :)

A 'la Oh She Glows

Date: 2011-11-20 (AKA, Day 22)

Type of workout/duration: Morning through Afternoon:  30 Minutes Abs, 30 Minutes Step, 15 Minutes Strength, 5 minutes Stretching.

Hours of sleep: 6 hours.  Would have been more, but work called...

My mood before/during/after exercise: Lazy, lazy, lazy.  For some reasons on Sundays I drag it all out.  There's all this coffee and internet and television that occurs...

Exercise struggles:  Just getting it done... and I hated it today... but then I was done.

Exercise progress:  Felt great... 

How I felt the rest of the day: ... but I wanted more sleep, so I went back to bed eventually!

Other things to note:  Getting plenty of rest, and tomorrow morning going to go strong!  And early!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Workout Log Challenge - Days 16-21

Work out log challenged is more like it!

A 'la Oh She Glows

Date: 2011-11-14 (AKA, Day 16)

Type of workout/duration: Evening - Running, 30 minutes, Abdominals, 30 minutes.

Hours of sleep: 6 hours, which was a good long string of getting good sleep for me.

My mood before/during/after exercise: I wanted to exercise in the morning, but was feeling my normal laziness and indulging in it.  By the evening, it was still a pretty nice day and so needed to run (and The Husband thought it was nice biking weather), so out to the park we went and he biked and I ran.

Exercise struggles:  I petered out after 30 minutes and decided to walk back to the car.  Then, I came to find I was lost.  Then, The Husband biked by... so he biked and I wound up running again, which was great as I did get my second wind.

Exercise progress:  Feeling really great and positive with my runs, though I really do prefer the darkness of dawn to the darkness of dusk.

How I felt the rest of the day: Much better after the run, that's for sure.

Other things to note: None.


Date: 2011-11-15,  2011-11-16  and 2011-11-17 (AKA, Days 17, 18, 19) ... all three days exactly the same.

Type of workout/duration: Unintentional Day of Rest

Hours of sleep: 3.  4.  Who knows.

My mood before/during/after exercise: N/A

Exercise struggles:  This was tough to come to terms with.  I really wanted to get something done every every day and not take a day of rest (I figured variety would take care of whatever muscles needed to rest).  The day, however, had other plans for me and there was no space for exercise.  At least, I didn't make a space.  I did a plank for my plank-a-day challenge (I like to keep motivated, okay?), but that was it.

Exercise progress:  I really had to come to peace with it.  A) Bodies do need rest.  B)  Freak out less.

How I felt the rest of the day: By the end of the day, I figured it was what it was and I'd be better the next day.

Other things to note: Seriously, freak out less.  Don't let day of rest turn into week of rest or two months of rest... you'll be fine!


Date: 2011-11-18 (AKA, Day 20)

Type of workout/duration: Unintentional Day of Rest

Hours of sleep: 3.  4.  Who knows.

My mood before/during/after exercise: N/A

Exercise struggles:  This was tough to come to terms with.  I really wanted to get something done every every day and not take a day of rest (I figured variety would take care of whatever muscles needed to rest).  The day, however, had other plans for me and there was no space for exercise.  At least, I didn't make a space.  I did a plank for my plank-a-day challenge (I like to keep motivated, okay?), but that was it.

Exercise progress:  I really had to come to peace with it.  A) Bodies do need rest.  B)  Freak out less.

How I felt the rest of the day: By the end of the day, I figured it was what it was and I'd be better the next day.

Other things to note: Seriously, freak out less.  Don't let day of rest turn into week of rest or two months of rest... you'll be fine!


Date: 2011-11-19 (AKA, Day 21)

Type of workout/duration: Afternoon - Abs, 15 minutes, Running 35 minutes.

Hours of sleep: 6 hours uninterrupted... then another 2 because it was Saturday.

My mood before/during/after exercise: After yesterday's full day of finding zen about missing a day, I realized it was exactly what I needed.  I need to have a DoR every week, I think, or I'll make myself batty.  I think Friday may be the day, we'll see.  In any case, felt great going in and coming out the other end.

Exercise struggles:  Just to get The Husband to load his bike into the car so we could go someplace nice to run, since it was such a pretty day.  Was well worth the struggle.

Exercise progress:  Felt like a pretty strong run, though my GPS tracker crapped out on me so I have no knowledge of my pace.  If I am going to do this right, I need to get some actual good equipment for this...

How I felt the rest of the day: Great!  I've been pretty lazy otherwise and relishing in it (I'm on call after all, can't be gallivanting about and what not).  Took a cat nap.  Lots of sleep to catch up on!

Other things to note: More exercising activities tomorrow, yes!

Seven Things Saturday: Changes

Two-fer: Not only do I like veggies, I drink
them for breaky.
So I think I will start my own blogary tradition by doing a Seven Things Saturday.  It's a straight forward concept, about as complicated as Beans on Toast, although not as edible:  I'll tell you seven things about a topic, and this will occur on a Saturday.

Today's topic:  Changes - Things that are different nowadays to how the used to be.  Looking back:

1) I spent much of my childhood-through-teenage life trying my very best to avoid running at all cost.  One day in HS my gym clothes were stolen.  There was pretty much zero tolerance for missing gym, so I did have detention.  I didn't care; it was an alternative to running and it was kind of funny to hear nuns gasp.

2) I also spent much of my life trying to avoid consumption of the anti-pizza:  vegetables.  The smell of cooking greens made me gag.  I remember the odd sensation I had the other day inhaling a lungful of roasting brussels sprouts and the joy it brought, and my brain went back to a time where that same smell would have made me empty pizza upon the floor.

3) I consumed pizza every day.  Every day.*

4) I used to be quite the competitive person when I think about it.  I really wanted to kick butt in speech and worked pretty hard at it.  Nowadays when I run, I am only really competing against myself... though now I wonder if this is changing again...

5) I used to want, with all of my heart, straight hair.  I have a much healthier relationship with my curls these days, though my iron now feels quite lonely.

6) I used to want, with all of my heart (that wasn't already devoted to eating pizza or wanting straight hair or winning a speech competition that was out of state so I didn't have to go to gym and run that day), to wear glasses.  Then I had to wear glasses, which is not nearly as fun as wanting to wear them when you don't have to.  This may be changing though, I'm warming up to them...

7) I'm moving!  In a few days, this blog will be moved to it's new home, post and links coming soon!

The woman in this picture loves to run
but cannot feel her toes.  Brr, it was cold!

* Something that hasn't changed?  The desire to eat pizza every day.  Every day.  Good thing I don't keep Brooklyn in my refrigerator.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Workout Log Challenge - Days 13, 14 and 15

I'm still slack on updating these, but I have *not* been slack in keeping up the exercise!

Spinning on...

A 'la Oh She Glows

Date: 2011-11-11 (AKA, Day 13)

Type of workout/duration: Morning - Running, 30 minutes.

Hours of sleep: 8 hours, uninterrupted.  Grateful.

My mood before/during/after exercise: Was a good run as were the previous two mornings... however, my pace was very close to 11 minutes.  11 was the theme of the day, was it not?  However, this did not make me happy, somewhat soured my mood going into the race the next day.

Exercise struggles:  I didn't think it was a struggle... but perhaps I just wasn't pushing myself this morning?

Exercise progress:  Again, the run felt good.  It felt great!  I was so sure I was doing well... so while the fail on pace?

How I felt the rest of the day: Strong, yes, but feeling a bit sad.

Other things to note: Better rest up for tomorrow!


Date: 2011-11-12 (AKA, Day 14)

Type of workout/duration: Morning - Running, 48:58.  (Okay, I counted 50 for the sheer jumping around a good hour before the race to keep warm).

Hours of sleep: 5.  I went to bed late and was nervous.  This was for the Richmond Marathon 8K!

My mood before/during/after exercise: I was an ice block before the race.  I thought I'd put on my sandal socks by accident at one point, only to find that my toes lost all sensation.  I was already feeling crappy about my time from yesterday, at which point I decided to eff it and enjoy the run... and hopefully not injure myself because I couldn't feel my toes...

Exercise struggles:  It was a great, calming run.  I didn't have any urges to stop, slow down, whine... nothing.  I even regained feeling in my toes.  I even noticed two vegetarian restaurants I'd like to try.

Exercise progress:  SUCCESS!  After two years, I've finally met my 10-minute mile goal!!!  I couldn't believe it (The Husband had the results instantly from the tracker email, but I waited for the official before I started celebrating).  I was so happy, I still tear up from it.  I never... ever would have imagined I'd be here.

How I felt the rest of the day: GLOWING.

Other things to note: Now the new goal:  A 9-minute mile.  Also... never eat Pho before a run.  You may regret it (though not so much since you had such a great run).


Date: 2011-11-13 (AKA, Day 15)

Type of workout/duration: Morning - Abs - 30 Minutes, Step - 30 Minutes, Weights - 20 Minutes.

Hours of sleep: 8 hours, interrupted.  Rare to get a full night's uninterrupted sleep...

My mood before/during/after exercise: Still glowing and still feeling strong after yesterday's fabulous run.  I can't believe despite the cold and misery how it felt to not feel like I wanted to just stop or give up.  Music, I believe, is key.  So today I did a million-bazillion crunches and planks, then topped it off with Cathe's Body Fusion (step and weights).  Felt fabulous the entire time.

Exercise struggles:  Only my inbred procrastination.

Exercise progress:  Stronger than yesterday.

How I felt the rest of the day:  Feeling good.  Going to go out and do a few light errands, but otherwise slack to my heart's content.

Other things to note: My homework over the weekend is to run in the 8K for the Richmond Marathon this weekend, and investigate any early morning running clubs.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Workout Log Challenge - Days 11 and 12

I am thinking of renaming this space Tales of the Ultra-lazy blogger.  Also, my numbering is way off at this point, but I've fixed my posts of past!

Spinning on...

A 'la Oh She Glows

Date: 2011-11-09 (AKA, Day 11)

Type of workout/duration: Morning - Running, 30 minutes.

Hours of sleep: 6 hours, but interrupted.  Thankfully I had a nap the previous afternoon.

My mood before/during/after exercise: Oh.  My.  GOD.  Things that a B'klynHeart does not heart include cold such that her fingers fall off, snot freezes to her face, and her lungs burn, and dark, which seems to just exacerbate those previously mentioned issues.  These things were very much present the morning of this run.  Yet... frankly, I had to convince myself to stop running as to not to be late for work.  Such was the joy and pleasure and power of this run.

Exercise struggles:  Seriously.  I had to convince myself to stop.  I did indulge in an extra lap.  It really defied logic.

Exercise progress:  I'm feeling so great these days.  I'm actually recognizing that I've made what they call in the industry "progress".  No means am I great... or even good... but it does feel good to feel like I'm actually going somewhere.

How I felt the rest of the day: Pretty good.  Still awed by the fact I didn't want to stop.

Other things to note: Wear gloves.


Date: 2011-11-10 (AKA, Day 12)

Type of workout/duration: Morning - Running, 30 minutes.

Hours of sleep: A million.  Seriously.  I think I went to bed at 5:30PM or something.  Okay, no not really.  I did have 8 hours (interrupted once) of sleep.  Maybe even 9.  I did go to bed stupid early.

My mood before/during/after exercise: Another great run.  This one felt more powerful than the last.  It certainly wasn't as cold either and I actually managed to remember to wear gloves.  That really helped.

Exercise struggles:  None again.  I think I was sprinting at one point.  It was very fun.  Okay, I got to the point of cool down outside of my house when I thought I saw a shady character.  So I did scoot inside to finish cool down. 

Exercise progress:  Again, feeling strong.  I think I'm done with the self praise though, got to get back on track of progress.

How I felt the rest of the day: Another great day.  Hyper even.  God, I love energy!

Other things to note: My homework over the weekend is to run in the 8K for the Richmond Marathon this weekend, and investigate any early morning running clubs.

*snicker* double doody.  Totally not what I typed... but *snicker* *snicker*

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What's In A Number?

Why so crazy pants?
So I decided to take off the crazy pants for a short time and put away the scale.  To say I lasted 48 hours was a great accomplishment for me... 

... and would, in fact, also be a lie; however, my brief "detox" (that's the popular term these days, detox, right?), I did take notice of something... Something that the scale makes me forget sometimes.

That something is this:  There are other things to notice.

If I'm worried I am eating too much, then why am I running towards a scale versus listening to my own body?  In an amazing turn of events, it turns out that if you listen, you will know when you are hungry.  

Your body will also tell you when you are full (provided you are not eating too fast, watching television, typing an email and blogging on the internet while doing so).  

It gets better... your body will even tell you... if you listen very, very closely... that the hunger you sometimes feel is not, in fact, hunger.  It is thirst.  It is boredom.  It is stress.  Food nor scale are devices used to solve these things.

If I'm worried I'm not getting enough exercise, what is a number going to tell me?  That the day has gone by, gravity has shifted, and I've eaten a few meals?  No... they are just numbers that cause the worry, stress and fake hunger.

What's my body telling me?  Am I low energy?  Do I need to go out and get my groove on?  What about the glow after a run.  There is no glow after stepping on a weighing device, no matter how "good" or "bad" the number may be... but there is glow after listening to an awesome song on a cloudless, mild autumn day as gold and red leaves dance about you as you run by.

Scales can never do that.

The number is only one indicator in a sea of many indicators... but ultimately, the best source to find out how well you are doing is within yourself.  One of the many flaws of language and communication... ultimately we are in our own little worlds, and have to pay attention to them instead of letting others (including other machines) tell us what we really already know.

So, yes.  I do have the scale.  And I've scaled back to my once a day in the morning at the same time.  I'll see what it has to say, but then I'll weigh it versus what my own body is telling me and ultimately let my body decide what we're doing that day.

What did I learn when I put the scale away?  That I feel good.  All systems are go and we're doing fine.  That's a message I can live with.

It's a new day, and I'm feeling good! (Yes,
thank you Weight Watchers and Jennifer Hudson)

Workout Log Challenge - Day 9 and Day 10

Pulling double duty today*, as yesterday felt pretty crapola... and most of today until maybe a couple of hours ago.

A 'la Oh She Glows

Date: 2011-11-07 (AKA, Day 9)

Type of workout/duration: Morning - Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred Level 2, 30 minutes, Evening - Run, 10 minutes (!!!)

Hours of sleep: 5.5 hours.  Maybe the cause of the swing!

My mood before/during/after exercise: Morning exercise was okay.  I felt not bad, but not all great either.  Day kind of plummeted from there.

Exercise struggles:  The run was the worst.  I made about 10 minutes before my pounding the pavement gave my head a great pounding, so I ultimately stopped.  Felt bad about it, but the headache was taking over.

Exercise progress:  Glad I made at least 10 minutes of running.  The headache is explained the next day...

How I felt the rest of the day: Downward energy... to be explained...

Other things to note: Seriously, go to the next day...


Date: 2011-11-08 (AKA, Day 10)

Type of workout/duration: Morning - Step, 30 minutes!

Hours of sleep: About 7, I turned in early due to headache that stayed with me until around 4 or 5 PM today... I love me some epic headaches.  Well, not so much me as "Auntie Flo" does.  She likes to assert that the incorrect answer to "Who's the boss?" is Tony Danza.

My mood before/during/after exercise: Horrendous, but I'd feel worse if I didn't do anything, such is the guilt that lies within.

Exercise struggles:  Working through the headache was a pain, but I made it through.

Exercise progress:  Screw you, "Auntie Flo"!

How I felt the rest of the day: Slow improvement.  I feel like a human being now.

Other things to note: The Husband just congratulated me on my period.

*snicker* double doody.  Totally not what I typed... but *snicker* *snicker*

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Workout Log Challenge - Day 8

A 'la Oh She Glows

Date: 2011-11-06

Type of workout/duration: Morning - Eliptical... step... thing? (30 minutes), Evening - Cindy Whitmarsh  Incredible Abs 6 (20 minutes)

Hours of sleep: Not even sure... at least 6, maybe a little more.  There was some falling back, but also being awoken in the night.  All sorts of things.

My mood before/during/after exercise: I was feeling pretty good before, during and after.

Exercise struggles:  ... I didn't know what the machine was.  I assumed it was a step machine with arms, but you could also do strides, and the arms seemed more or less independent from the legs.  I got very confused, but I worked very hard.  Hard to know if it was effective aside from how I felt.  I'll probably never do that machine again.  Once again, Cindy Whitmarsh kicked my patootie... but via my abs.

Exercise progress:  While I always feel like my patootie is kicked, I also feel like I'm getting stronger every day.

How I felt the rest of the day: Not bad.  I noticed my shoulders relax a couple of times today.  Briefly.  But it felt good. 

Other things to note: Okay.  Maybe body pump tomorrow.  But exercise WILL happen.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Workout Log Challenge - Day 7

One week, really?  Wow...

A 'la Oh She Glows

Date: 2011-11-05

Type of workout/duration: Morning - Run (25 minutes), Crunches (5 minutes)

Hours of sleep: 5 hours.  I should stick to a schedule, even on weekends.

My mood before/during/after exercise: I seriously seriously dawdled before I braved the cold (which had warmed some) and ventured out into my run.  The run actually was fabulous... not as glorious as my run a few days ago, but still very good.  I felt like it was a good exercise day.  Crunches were to round out to get my 30 minutes.  

Exercise struggles:  ... Aside from burning lungs and being incrediphlegmy?  Again, should have slept more.  Also, my legs kind of hurt, so that may be from forgotten exercise of the previous day...

Exercise progress:  Time on run is getting better.  I better keep this up!

How I felt the rest of the day: I was quite energetic and hyper the entire day.  A nice change from the previous day. 

Other things to note:  I think I'll go ahead and go to sleep, and tomorrow make it in for body pump!  I better remember to fall back...