Sunday, January 30, 2011

Not Dead Yet!

The cold that just would not go away is starting to finally break down and go away.  At least I hope it is.  Last night was pretty miserable (it seems to be 1000 times worse at night for the most part) but I think it may be finally passing.

Breakfast of Champions and/or Sick Women

This morning's meal was totally about comfort, since I was feeling so unwell and The Husband was pretty knocked out from an epic Arkham Horror game that lasted until 3AM.  Well, he could have gone to bed the night before at 8PM and still sleep until noon the next day.  Just saying.

My milk was heated up nicely with a touch of cinnamon, vanilla and sugar free sweetener.  I sliced up a banana and threw in some blackberries and a strawberry for both color and (hello!) yum.  The oatmeal is the same I've been noshing on for days (butternut squash and apple), but with some blueberries thrown on top because I suddenly felt that this would be the thing that would finally defeat this cold.

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There was knitting done this weekend!  My excitement of this is somewhat lessened by the fact that I finished a pattern repeat thinking I could move on to the ribbing (which would mean a significant change, and likely get exciting again), but as it turns out I'm tall and like my clothes long.  Great.  I will knit some more after I finish up this short post.

The last time I eat lunch at my desk... at home or work!
I picked up a magazine called Real Simple and I've been really enjoying it.  One thing I saw in there (really as a little side bar versus one of their big, fancy-article like meals) was a simple recipe for a roast beef and cheese wrap. Wrap, coleslaw mix that is mixed with sour cream and horseradish, titicular roast beef, cheese and Bob's your uncle, sandwich.

I was hell bent to on having this sandwich.  So hell bent was I that I failed to notice that (a) we had no coleslaw mix and (b) The Husband could not find a roast beef that would be friendly to my eating lifestyle.  I wound up replacing the roast beef with ham, and made my own slaw mix... which is just cabbage and carrot, both of which I had on hand.  Ultimately made the sandwich healthier, but by proportion I could not wrap that thing to save my life.  I gave up, and managed to eat it without getting a mess all over myself.

The one thing I wonder about is the wrap.  It is Ole Xtreme Wellness High Fiber Tortilla*.  It's tasty for sure, and got the job done.  It has 12 grams of fiber, and 5 carbohydrates.  Not net carbohydrates.  This lists simply 5 carbohydrates.

Can a food have more fiber than it does carbohydrates?  I can't seem to wrap my brain around the concept.  Is this a typo?  Do I dare trust a food that not only uses the term extreme in its title, but also spells it without the e?!  I'm still trying to find out if this is vaguely possible.  Otherwise it's my new wrap BFF.

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Cooking Light's Roasted Butternut Squash and Bacon Pasta, almost as cheesy as me.
Tonight's dinner was a pretty tasty treat:  Cooking Light's Roasted Butternut Squash and Bacon Pasta.  It was not too difficult to put together (especially with The Husband's help... thank you The Husband!  During prep, I also met my new prep knife BFF in this Crate and Barrel Mini Santoku Knife I picked up yesterday out of sheer frustration of not being able to find this Kuhn Rikon knife I wanted in purple.  I may still get that knife, but found the C&B knife to deliver what I was looking for... something I could chop my herbs and veg with and not fight with to get said chopped items off the blade.

The served up dish was fantastic and aromatic.  Shallots and bacon... is there anything they can't do?  I served it with a small side of julienned carrot and pepper because I wanted something a little extra on the dish.  A small drizzle of balsamic vinaigrette.  There were minor (WW friendly of course) mods to the recipe (here I am again, making a "light" recipe lighter), the two biggest of which were making it serve 6 instead of 5 (serves 5?) and the addition of some spinach that would have otherwise gone bad but instead added little splashes of color and lovely spinach flavor.

Carrots for even more healthiness.  
Both The Husband and I enjoyed it... but I'm inclined to agree that the dish did not taste anything like butternut squash!  Pasta, cheese, bacon, scallions... all of those were there.  BNS... not so much.

I'd make this again, but I may tweak to reduce to pasta and increase the squash.  Not sure what else... it would have been nice to get more squash flavor, I think.

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And there's a day of me eating.  There were a couple of extra things, such as a salad of crunchy veg, tomatoes, and olive oil (yay healthy oil!) and desert was luscious zucchini bread and apple (thus ending the day almost how I started it), plus and hour of exercise.  I hope you enjoyed the trip, and now I must get a few rows done before bed.

Tomorrow I plan to go running, so you should plan for a foot of snow, ice on the streets, or some sort of natural disaster, unless [Insert Your Deity of Choice Here] decides I can actually go running tomorrow...

In any case.. have a great week out there! 

* Link is to as Ole's site isn't very helpful on the linking to that particular product information.

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